Home Wi-Fi that knows what it’s doing

Frequently asked questions

What is the difference between SuperPod and PowerPod?
The SuperPod provides next generation performance while working together with PowerPods. It features two Ethernet ports and comes with a tri-band technology which helps provide faster speeds than the dual-band PowerPod. For a complete breakdown of technical specifications, please visit the tech specs page.
Does Plume replace my router? Does it work with my ISP?
The Plume system can replace your current router, but is flexible enough to also work with your existing router setup. You need to connect one of the Plume SuperPods by Ethernet to your ISP modem or router to make it work. If you keep your router, make sure to turn off your old Wi-Fi. If your ISP modem has Wi-Fi, don’t forget to turn that off as well.
What makes Plume different from my traditional Wi-Fi router or extender?
Single router Wi-Fi systems can give you the speed you need as long as you’re close enough to the router. Wi-Fi extenders or repeaters can improve coverage, but are often complicated, unreliable, and degrade performance. Plume is a cloud coordinated Wi-Fi system that replaces your current router and gives you stable and consistent Wi-Fi coverage and speed in every room within your home using blazing fast tri-band SuperPods coupled with auto-channel hop technology.
How many pods do I need?
Our product selection process on the website will guide you through the correct number of SuperPods and PowerPods customized for your home. As a guideline, studio apartments require one SuperPod, 1-2 bedroom apartment or homes require 2 pods, and 3-4 bedroom homes require 3 pods. If your home has more than 4 bedrooms, is larger than normal or has an additional basement to cover, we recommend adding additional SuperPods or PowerPods to fit your needs. SuperPods are recommended for homes with greater than 200 Mbps Internet speeds, and PowerPods for any Internet speed less than 200 Mbps. Single SuperPods and PowerPods may be purchased later to increase your coverage at any time from the mobile app or website.
If you stop making the earlier generation of pods, when I need to replace mine due to a hardware failure, how will I get a replacement as part of the rolling warranty?
During the applicable warranty period, we will replace your older generation pods with its successor if we have stopped making the exact model.
How does the rolling warranty work?
The minimum warranty is 12 months. This warranty extends another 12 months with each Annual membership renewal.
What will happen if I don’t renew my Annual membership? Will my pods turn into pretty wall ornaments?
Your Wi-Fi network will continue to work with static mesh functionality and your pods will continue to receive firmware updates. You will also retain access to basic app features such as Wi-Fi and network settings.
What is the range of the Plume PowerPod and SuperPod?
It's difficult to provide you with exact numbers because of all the variables and configurations inside a home. You can place SuperPods in every other room in your home. It has a range of 30-40 feet through walls. Our system measures the performance between each pod and creates the best pod-to-pod connections for you after optimisation completes.
Can I use SuperPods with PowerPods?
Yes! SuperPods work together with your PowerPods to distribute Wi-Fi across your entire home! If you have both SuperPods and PowerPods, make sure the higher performance SuperPod is connected to your modem/router to ensure you have strong core network.
I am already a Plume member. How do I buy additional pods to expand my home setup?
You can purchase additional pods from the app and add them to your existing Plume network. Follow these steps to buy pods: 1. Tap on Menu button on the home screen 2. Go to Adaptive WiFi tab and tap on Add a pod to my account 3. Add pods to your cart 4. Enter billing and delivery information 5. Review your order and tap done
What are the Tech Specs for the SuperPod and PowerPod?